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Mid January

ah mid January the most depressing time of the year.
and with it comes the mid January break ups.
the post christmas, pre holiday booking, pre silly flower day ( valentines) break ups.
It does make a certain ammount of sense.

Ironic really as I have talked this over with several friends over the years
as they looked to end a failing or unworkible relationship with someone they wanted to remain friends
with or care enough about not wanting to ruin yule/chrismas on them or silly flower day.
But to try and be able come the 1st of Feb to make new start when spring comes.

One person simple had to do it as after silly flower day it would be her birthday then easter then his birthday and if it had not of happened then she could have still been going out with him come may and
then the akwardness of breaking up in the run up to the summer.

Can’t say it ever happened to me before, nice to know that even in it’s ending the relationship was just as unique.

Bastards !!!!!!

We’ve reactivated your closed EverQuest® account for 21 days…

Customer Service Notification

Just log in to reactivate your account and get back into the adventure. Your characters and equipment are here, just as you left them*.

The 21-day FREE service period begins when you log in and continues for 21 consecutive days, but to take advantage of this limited time offer you must log in before 11:59 P.M. (PST) January 13, 2006. Please remember that when your 21-day free service period expires or is terminated, your account will not remain active without you entering valid payment information to re-activate billing. This offer is not available for Station accounts that currently have an active EverQuest subscription or Station Accessâ„¢ subscription or for EverQuest or Station Access accounts that were terminated by SOE.

I was a questbaby.

For nearly two years but that was over 2 nearly 3 years ago.
There are parts of Norrath I still hold dear. Adventured that happened there that are as real as the stuff I have done in table top
rpgs if not even more so.
I spent more time as that Lil sneak backstabbin dark elf rogue then as any other char I have been.
So many other chars have been variations of that theme from them she lived on in Neverwinter for quiet some time but she
never lived anywhere like she did in Norrath.

I miss her.

When rpging we all but aspects of ourselfs into our charcters.
When I was at one of the lowest parts of my life due to depression she was the fun, funny, bright, twisted, best of me.
I did reclaim it, her all made her part of me again but hell I still have screen shots of certain views in Norrath.
Yes the two guilds that I/she was a part of and officers in no longer exsist there and the high ranking necromancer who’s deadheart tamed and claimed is dead there still is a certain lure to those places.

Not I will not give in and play again, I don’t have the cds to install the game for one…..

Still reall damn them….

Out with the blonde in with the brunette.


OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While I may not be a dedicated follower of fashion even I have been aware that the “in” colour for hair is currently a rich brunette colour.
Not a flat black or russet tones but a honest to goodness rich multitoned brown. Much like what my own hair looks like.
Several dye hard blondes have changed to this look, there are less honey blondes on the play ground waiting to pick thier kids up. A lot of people have also stop the tanning booths or spray on tans as the darker hair and paler skin in apprently in.
The tanned leather skin and bleached to death malibu barbie look is on the decline….
But still I was not prepared to see one of my childhood role models sporting the look.
Yes once Ms Piggy did done a brunette wig when Linda Carter was guesting on the muppet show to complete her
wonder woman out fit but that is a lot different to Ms Piggy going so dark.

Muppets of Oz

I watched the lastest muppets movie with my bratlings this evening.
The muppets interpation of the Wizard of OZ. It has several nods to the 1878 movie The Wiz which stared Diane Ross

There are several thing in the muppet production that may confuse people who have only seen the MGM 1939 The wizard of Oz Film

For one the Magical slippers are Sliver as they were in the L. Frank Baum book; but with a contempary twist they are also Manolos.

There are 4 witches as well just like in the book, the witches of the east and west being wicked and the witches of the north and south being good.
Ms Piggy plays them all and we get to see her in biker leathers and playing very much the dominatrix and even more so in later scenes and in a wonderful red and black corseted outfit.
miss piggy wicked witch

So it would appear that one of my childhood idols has not only stood the test of time but been updated in a way which
makes her even more relavant and wonderful in my estimation.
Oh and Gonzo as the tinman was wonderful and so was Fozzy bear as the cowardly lion.
the frog was in it too but I never had much time for him as he didnt respect Ms Piggy for the woman she is.

Damn it

Hello all,

Just a quick message to let you all know that Zed FM/Scrollside have lodged papers seeking to appeal to the Supreme Court the decision of the High Court to uphold the awarding of the Alternative Rock radio licence to Phantom FM.

These appeal was sought today, the last available day for such an appeal to be lodged.

Obviously we are dissapointed at the continuing actions of Zed FM/Scrollside and will be issuing a further statement in the coming days. We will of course keep everyone posted on when we get further details.


Pete Reed

love by Roy Croft

I love you,
Not only for what you are,
But for what I am
When I am with you.

I love you,
Not only for what
You have made of yourself,
But for what
You are making of me.
I love you
For the part of me
That you bring out;
I love you
For putting your hand
Into my heaped-up heart
And passing over
All the foolish, weak things
That you can’t help
Dimly seeing there,
And for drawing out
Into the light
All the beautiful belongings
That no one else had looked
Quite far enough to find.

I love you because you
Are helping me to make
Of the lumber of my life
Not a tavern
But a temple;
Out of the works
Of my every day
Not a reproach
But a song.

I love you
Because you have done
More than any creed
Could have done
To make me good
And more than any fate
Could have done
To make me happy.
You have done it
Without a touch,
Without a word,
Without a sign.
You have done it
By being yourself.
Perhaps that is what
Being a friend means,
After all.



Kindness is most important in a boyfriend/girlfriend. You want someone who will go through everything with you – the best moments and the worst, and all of those other moments in between. You love to be able to say anything to your partner, and have them say anything to you. You are able to be extremely close with your partner for that reason.

Perfect BF/GF Piechart -

Take this quiz at

Asking for it ?!!!!!

This morning I was going to either finish off my comforting and menadering blog bit about coffee which lurks in my drafts and/or write about the ‘You can talk to me” (communinucating with your child) the sexual health and relationship rescource put together by the crisipregnacy agency ().

Put with the publishing of the poll commissioned by Amnesty International yesterday about the attidudes towards rape
victums that is what has me pissed off.

A third of people believe a woman is partially or completely responsible for being raped if she has behaved flirtatiously, a survey suggests.

The Amnesty International poll of 1,000 people also found over 25% believe she is at least partly to blame if she has worn revealing clothing or been drunk.

What complete and utter bollix.

Yes, thing have changed we have gone from 50 years ago when Mary wore knee length skirts, blouses and cardigans that cover the shoulders and arms to the elbows, and a head scarf to the more revealing clothes of modern fashions. Yes head scarves; I remember my Grandmother and my own mother not leaving the house with out the scarf secured under the chin and a new smear of red lipstick. Women had to cover thier heads and hair in church as it was considered a distraction; women turned away from receiving communion at the altar from priest for thier immodest clothing.

It is not that long ago from the ‘reclaim the nights’ in the 80’s and self defence classes for women, so that women if they took certain precautions could go out at night confidently with out needing a man to mind you . That a woman could be in a bar or
Two three women could be in a bar and not be pestered by men or taught to be shameless hussys and loose women.

So we have a generation of young women who have been told life is your oyster who are 20 to 25 who don’t see why they can’t wear what they want or as little as they want and go out for an evening just like the girls in sex and the city and have a fun evening.
They are not aware of the past and of the long slog that society and feminism have had so that they can enjoy their freedoms.

Personally I don’t or would not go tottering around Dublin city centre in 4 inch heels and a micro mini and a tit top for several reasons I would not be comfortable for one and that has more to do with me then my mammyish figure, I don’t consider such clothes practical and esp with the current weather I’d rather not freeze my assets off and I prefer to be able to defend myself while out and you can’t kick someone’s ass or run away efficiently or chase after some one efficiently while wearing such an outfit.

But if these are not the concerns of the current generations of 20 to 25 year old bright young things and they are comfortable wearing such things then they have every right to.

It is not wise to pass out drunk some where naked but that does not lessen someone’s right not to be raped or assaulted or lessen the culpability of the person committing such volition of a person.

Nakedness or revealing clothing does not mean you are sexually available to anyone and to state that such ways of dressing induces men to rape is a horrible condemnation of men. If a scantily clad young women is seen on a night out by a thousand men it is still wrong to assume that even one of them would actively seek her out and either ply her with drink or drugs to rape her or violently assault her. Men who do such things and who are serial rapists don’t need a scantily clad young female as an excuse.

They are less then 1 in a 1000 but women should dress modestly or in the likes of burkas for the fear of such men? Female sexuality is still seen as a double edged sword by western society no matter how modern or advanced it seems to be.