Finanna Fail and no I did not forget the á.…fmanifesto.pdf

That is theFianna Fáil election Manifesto from 2002, thier slogan at the time was, “A Lot doen more to do” .

So seeing the people of this country in thier wisdom while excerising thier franchise gave them the additional 5 years to make good on this lets see how they did.

… An end to hospital waiting lists within two years!

….reform the system of planning and funding our hospitals to ensure that the needs of people in all parts of the country are addressed, and that public funding is producing the highest possible level and quality of care.

…ensure that every school attains modern standards within the next five years !

…Ensure that group water schemes meet the quality standards of the Drinking Water Directive by end 2003.
…investment in water and sewerage schemes, ensuring that sewage discharges from all our major urban centres are treated in line with EU Directives

…Expand the Garda Síochána by a further 2,000.

….New services will be introduced both to some new housing developments but also
to existing poorly served communities

…We will start work on the construction at Abbotstown of a world-class national stadium that meets the needs of the three main sporting organizations.

…We will roll-out broadband to make it accessible to as many rural communities as possible.

…high quality dual carriageway or motorway links between Dublin and the Border, Cork, Limerick and Galway by 2006 and Dublin to Waterford by 2007.

..In July 2000, the Government approved the development of a metro system for Dublin. Particular priority will be given to the development of an early link to Dublin Airport.

…..We will ensure that the comprehensive Homelessness Strategies now in place are implemented in full, taking pre-emptive steps to ensure that high risk groups do not become homeless in the first place and that for those who do find themselves
homeless, that we have a full range of services – emergency accommodation, health, welfare, education and training – available to assist them.

….More than double the number of Civic Amenity Sites where items can be brought for recycling and more than treble the number of bring banks.

…..Extend the power to the DPP to appeal against lenient sentences in serious cases before the District Court

…..Introduce night courts and weekend courts.

and it goes on and on and on and these are the ones that just jump out at me as I scrolled through it.
How anyone can after reading through that and looking around them can vote for that shower and the pds is beyond me.


So I was pottering about in my internet, my internet being the cluster of sites which I visit roughly daily and
comissioned had a rant by O about puppets.

It reminded me of a once off game I played ( while susposedly in college ) with Ed running it as a once off.
I got to play a ballerina marrionette, we had soldier hand puppet with all his phycosis via Mick
and a finger mouse who when doing any other action was humping what ever object or surface was adjecent to it thanks to Paul.

It was the most free form game I had played up until that time and made me understand how less rules could still be as restricting but yet
dice a better flow to a game then the need to rattle dice, if it states your charchter can do something then they can.
Life with master certainly had the same feel to it but did have dice.

I then went looking to try find more about Puppetland and found that it had been a hogshead game,
which prolly esplains why we had been playing it as we had been playing both Sla Industries and WHFRPG back then and they were both
connected to Hogshead until it closed up in 2002.

There seems to be very little about Puppetland online but I did find one game senario by a certain Gareth Hanrahan.
I have a train journey this weekend for over two hours so I might spring it on those traveling with me, well it is either that or play munchkin.

Funny how that game we played for an hour still stand out starkly in my brain and that if was as real as anything else.
I guess as gamers we live in differnt shells in differnt place a lot more then we like to think about and some of those experiences are so real.

What the fuck to they think they are doing ?

Tara ‘henge’ will be destroyed – claim
Tim O’Brien, Irish Times

Thu, May 03, 2007

Minister for the Environment Dick Roche has already issued draft directions that would allow for the destruction of the recently discovered “henge” along the route of the M3 in Co Meath, it was claimed yesterday.

The environmental group TaraWatch said Mr Roche had sent draft directions to the National Museum to preserve the henge “by record”, a process that would facilitate photographs and written records being made before the henge is removed.

Under Section 14A of the National Monuments Act 2004, if a national monument is discovered, the Minister is required to consult the director of the National Museum before deciding on what action to take.

Mr Roche told The Irish Times yesterday that he was in consultation with the National Museum, but he declined to elaborate on the nature of that consultation. Asked if he had sent draft directions to the museum to preserve the monument by record, as claimed by TaraWatch, Mr Roche repeated that he was “in consultation with the National Museum” and referred to his department’s previously issued comments on the discovery.

On Tuesday the department said: “The Minister has consulted with the director of the museum on the directions that would be most appropriate in this instance from the point of view of best archaeological practice. Directions will issue as soon as possible after the Minister receives the director’s response.

“The Minister is advised that the surviving elements of the monument are extremely fragile, underlining the need for an early decision on how to proceed.”

TaraWatch spokesman Vincent Salafia said the group had “well-placed sources within the National Museum” who were aware of draft directions that had been sent, which instructed that the monument be preserved by record.

Dr Mark Clinton, chairman of An Taisce’s national monuments and antiquities committee, said: “The discovery of what could be called a temple, after the fashion of a comparable discovery at Emain Macha, seat of the kings of Ulster, is of obvious major significance. Such sites are extremely rare.” He called for full scientific excavation to be followed by reconstruction.

Labour Party environment spokesman Éamon Gilmore said the issue could have been avoided if the Government had accepted a November 2004 proposal that the M3 be developed immediately in three sections, “and that the controversial section, running through the Skryne Valley, be rerouted”.

Fine Gael transport spokeswoman Olivia Mitchell has said she was “stunned” to learn that “more than 500 archaeologists, hired at a cost of €30 million, managed to miss a four-acre historical site while excavating for the new M3 motorway”.

© 2007 The Irish Times

Can’t stop the signal.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

There’s a bit of an internet drama about this number.

Basically, it’s a code used in HD DVD copy protection. Since it was hacked/found it’s been possible to watch/copy HD DVD and completely ignore the DRM crap on the disc. Now this happened back in January, Slashdot reported on it, as did a few other sites, and everything went quiet.

Recently a few blogs have been discussing the issue and printing the number. They started getting cease and desist letters from MPAA lawyers which has just brought the whole thing to the attention of more people.

What’s interesting is how social bookmarking and ‘community powered’ sites are being affected. Digg tried to suppress the story and has felt a backlash of epic proportions and an eventual response/turnaround from Digg founder Kevin Rose. Although in my opinion, it’s too little too late and this will have done a lot of damage to Digg’s reputation.

Last night searching google for the code now brings up almost 300,000 results. In attempt to sweep this under the carpet it’s now sweeping across the net like wild fire. A very good example of the Streisand Effect.

However discussion of the number on Wikipedia is still completely blocked, any article mentioning or even referencing it is immediately reverted and if it keeps happening, gets locked.
This whole thing is very interesting from the point of view of freedom of information, copyright on the internet and just how free are community driven sites like Digg or Reddit, or perhaps more importantly Wikipedia?

HSE have funded 6 simular abortions so far in the last year.

Oh boy, here we go.

AG tells court girl has right to travel for abortion

Mary Carolan, Dr Muiris Houston and Carl O’Brien

The State does not have any power to stop a teenage girl travelling to the UK for an abortion, the High Court was told yesterday by counsel for the Attorney General.

The 17-year-old, who is four months pregnant, is challenging the Health Service Executive’s (HSE) decision to prevent her from terminating her pregnancy abroad.

The teenager, who can only be identified as “Miss D” and is from the Leinster region, has been in the care of the HSE since February of this year. She was told last week that her baby was suffering from anencephaly, a condition where a major part of the brain is missing. The newborn baby will not survive outside the womb for more than a few days.

Mr Justice Liam McKechnie yesterday granted the girl leave to bring a legal action to prevent the HSE restraining her leaving the country for an abortion. The case is being rushed through the courts and it will be heard in full tomorrow.

The girl says she was told by the HSE that it contacted gardaí to request that she should not be permitted to leave the State unless she was suicidal.

However, Donal O’Donnell SC, for the State, said the Attorney General’s position was that the HSE had no legal power to direct the Garda to restrain a person who was the subject of an interim care order.

Furthermore, the Garda did not have legal power to restrain the girl simply because she was the subject of a care order, while the HSE order did not restrain a person from travelling anywhere.

Gerry Durcan SC, for the HSE, said it was anxious to take whatever course of action best secured the girl’s welfare, having regard to legal restraints where a child is subject to a care order.

The HSE also wished to have the teenager assessed by a psychiatrist, counsel added.

Gerard Hogan SC, for Miss D, said his client was deeply distressed and could not live through the pregnancy knowing her baby would die, but he stressed she was not suicidal.

Abortion is illegal in Ireland, except where there is a real and substantial risk to the life, as distinct from the health, of the mother. This includes a risk arising from the threat of suicide.

In her affidavit, the girl said her family circumstances had been strained because her mother was an alcoholic. Her father had never sought any involvement with her. Her boyfriend had agreed to bring the proceedings on her behalf as she is a minor.

Meanwhile, The Irish Times has learned that the HSE has funded the cost of an abortion in the UK for a woman whose baby had serious congenital abnormalities that were incompatible with life outside the womb.

It is understood approximately six other abortions for women in similar circumstances have been funded by the HSE in the last year.

The woman, who was four months pregnant, was referred by a gynaecologist here to a colleague in Britain using an E112 form. This is an EU procedure whereby a patient’s consultant states that the person has a particular diagnosis and needs a specific procedure or treatment not available in the person’s own country. The HSE then assesses the application and decides whether to fund the treatment or not.

It is understood that the woman, who is in her mid- to late 20s, travelled to Liverpool and had her pregnancy terminated. She has returned home and is said to be well.

A GP who was involved in the woman’s care said: “Having immediate first-hand experience of the patient . . . I think there is a contradiction between the current case, where the HSE is attempting to prevent a 17-year-old travelling, and its approach in the case I was involved with, where the HSE funded a patient to have an abortion.”

A spokesman for the HSE said it did not comment in individual cases.
© 2007 The Irish Times

The fact that they have funded any at lot is going to set certainly people foaming at the mouth
and the country in the midst of an elction.

Which I have to say has a damn short campagaining time.

I wonder if bertie and the boys knew the court schedule was to be like
Surely the Minster for Justice would have people watching what is pending, esp after they were
caught short with the contesting of the statutory rape laws.

I can see the meeting now where they realise oh shit that is due in court and the mahon tribulan is moving on quick dash to the park and get the election on now before things get worse.

The fact is that after the last refenda on abortion in this country and the right to travel there should have been legistaion but implace and policy and proceedure for all state and semistate bodies. Should have….. the same way the UN charter of rights for children should have been adopted and legisture drawn up and the same again when the statutroy rape laws for minors was struck out.

Coulda, woulda , shoulda, DIDN’T.

It seems to me that the HSE did not want to send someone over to accompany the teen and to sign the papers. They will throw money atthe issue to kept thier hand clean and keep the issue out of the country rather then tackle it, but then again that would be the current goverment policy trickling down.

Will this country grow up in the next 20 years to treat reproductive rights as just that rights ?
A woman can still not pay to have a tubal ligiation preformed in this country under the age of 25.
Over the age of 25 if she has 4 children or over the age of 35 if she has two children, but a 21 year old can not decide to have a tubal ligation ( which can be reversed if she wishes ) and pay for it privatly in thise country. In the Uk after she has undergone a screen process the NHS will pay for it.

As for young Miss D, she has been let down again and again by the state.
Why did it take so long for her to be put in care ?
Why was she never educated properly about sexual health and contraception ( an ounce of prevention is better then a pound of cure ) ?
Why is it that the cost of contraception is so prohibitive so many young people ?
and honestly I would hate to think that she considered having a child at 17 as a way out of home
and on to a housing list and as way for indepandace.

Her circumstances are certainly tragic and everyday makes her condition more complex and harder for her to recover from but fair play to her for allowing the case to be tried publically
( with the instructions she is nto to be identified ) as this case due to the fact she is a minor
and is in conflict with those standing in loco parentis could have been tried in camera.

Opps who left that tricentric Henge lying about :D

Work on section of M3 halted after archaeological find

Charlie Taylor

Construction work on a section of the controversial M3 motorway, which is to pass through the Tara/Skreen valley, has been stopped after the discovery of a prehistoric “henge” by archaeologists.

The Department of the Environment confirmed this evening that Minister Dick Roche had received a report that archaeologists working on the route have found evidence of a monument at Lismullin, Co Meath.

The minister is now consulting with the director of the National Museum after the National Monuments Service inspected the site. A spokesman for Mr Roche said: “Work at or near where

the find was made has been suspended”. He said most of the work being carried out in the area was of an archaeological nature.

He said Mr Roche was hoping the matter would be dealt with “as a matter of urgency” by the director of the National Museum.

The prehistoric “henge” site is a circular enclosure which is estimated to be about the size of three football fields.

Currently, the archaeological team is authorised to continue to clean back the surface of the area, to complete a plan of the features and to check for associated features outside the enclosure. A small number of stakeholes are also to be excavated to try to recover sufficient material for radiocarbon dating.

The Campagin to Save Tara said it was “delighted” that the discovery of the monument meant that construction of the M3 would temporarily cease.

Spokesman Michael Canney said: ‘Everybody knew that this route was destined to destroy the landscape of Tara if it went ahead. The advice of national and international experts was ignored.

“This route was chosen because it was favoured by local politicians and businessmen. That this monument has been discovered is more by accident than by design and many other sites that were of significance have been hastily and inadequately surveyed.

“We now call on the Government and the NRA to abandon this route, admit they have made a serious mistake and act properly and positively to protect our heritage.”

The pro-Tara group TaraWatch, which originally reported the site to the Keeper of Antiquities at the National Museum of Ireland yesterday, said that Mr Roche should reroute the M3 in order to avoid the monument.

“This site is a show-stopper and is without doubt a national monument of world significance according to our experts. It would be a sin to demolish it,” said TaraWatch spokesperson Vincent Salafia.

Green Party environment spokesman Ciaran Cuffe said his party’s concerns about the M3 had been vindicated

“As far back as March 2005 I stated that going ahead with the proposed route for the M3 would be an act of cultural and historic vandalism.

“Only yesterday Martin Cullen was turning the sod for the M3 project, yet today work has been suspended. I am once again calling for all work to come to an end, in particular the massive floodlit Blundlestown interchange, and for the upgrading of the existing N3 to take place instead.”
© 2007

Rock the vote.

You can still change your address and get on the register if you have moved consituancy
as long as your forums get to your local authority by close of busniess Friday the 4th of may.

The forums are advailible here :

Think there should be changes to how the country is run then be part of the process.

Wierd week or what ?

Wierd week or what ?

Monday’s child is nice to eat.
Tuesday’s child has 15 feet.
Wednesday’s child is big and blue.
Thursday’s child is a kangeroo.
Fridays’ child is wild and wierd.
Saturday’s child has a purple beard
But the child that is born on the sabbath day
has a nose as long as a motor way.

From Little BO-Peep Has Knickers That Bleep (Seriously Silly Rhymes) by Laurence Anholt
and as recited to me much to my delight by my daughter.
I think I shall have to get that book, great to see the type of poems she is learning school 😀

food for the soul

Carol Ann Duffy

Not a red rose or a satin heart.

I give you an onion.
It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.
It promises light
like the careful undressing of love.

It will blind you with tears
like a lover.
It will make your reflection
a wobbling photo of grief.

I am trying to be truthful.

Not a cute card or kissogram.

I give you an onion.
Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,
possessive and faithful
as we are,
for as long as we are.

Take it.
Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding ring,
if you like.
Its scent will cling to your fingers,
cling to your knife.

oh my

These things always amuse me esp when they try and pretend that you are soooo specail that there is only at least1 million people this type out there lol

<table align=”center” cellpadding=”20″>
<td align=”center”>
<font size=”5″><b>Freak- INFJ</b></font><br>
40% Extraversion, 53% Intuition, 50% Thinking, 63% Judging
Well, well, well. How did someone like you end up with the least common personality type of them all? In a group of 100 Americans, only 0.5 others would be just like you. You really are one of a kind… In fact, I do believe that that’s one of the definitions for the word “FREAK.” <p>

Freak’s not such a bad word to describe you actually. </p><p>

You are deep, complex, secretive and extremely difficult to understand. If that doesn’t scream “Freak!” I don’t know what does. No-one actually knows the REAL you, do they? </p><p>

You probably have deep interests in creative expression as well as issues of spirituality and human development. </p><p>

You’ve probably even been called a “psychic” before, because of your uncanny knack to understand and “read” people without quite knowing how you do it. Don’t fret. You’re not actually psychic. That would make you special and you’ll never accomplish that.  </p><p>

You’re also quite possible the most emotional of them all, so don’t take this all too hard. Nevertheless you most definitely have the strangest personality type and that’s not necessarily a good thing.

</p><p> ***************** </p><p>

If you want to learn more about your personality type in a slightly less negative way, <a href=””>check out this.</a>

</p><p> ***************** </p><p>

<b> The other personality types are as follows… </b> </p><p>
<a href=”%20″>Loner</a> – <i>Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving</i> <br>
<a href=”%20″>Pushover</a> – <i>Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging</i> <br>
<a href=”%20″>Criminal</a> – <i>Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving</i> <br>
<a href=”%20″>Borefest</a> – <i>Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging</i> <br>
<a href=”%20″>Almost Perfect</a> – <i>Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving</i> <br>

<a href=”%20″>Loser</a> – <i>Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving</i> <br>
<a href=”%20″>Crackpot</a> – <i>Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging</i> <br>

<a href=”%20″>Clown</a> – <i>Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving</i> <br>
<a href=”%20″>Sap</a> – <i>Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging</i> <br>
<a href=”%20″>Commander</a> – <i>Extraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving</i> <br>
<a href=”%20″>Do Gooder</a> – <i>Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging</i> <br>
<a href=”%20″>Scumbag</a> – <i>Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving</i> <br>
<a href=”%20″>Busybody</a> – <i>Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging</i> <br>
<a href=”%20″>Prick</a> – <i>Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving</i> <br>
<a href=”%20″>Dictator</a> – <i>Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging</i> <br>
<td align=”center”>
<img src=””>


<table cellpadding=”20″>

<span id=”comparisonarea”>My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people <i>your age and gender</i>:<blockquote><table border=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”4″><tbody><tr><td valign=”middle”><table bgcolor=”black” border=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”1″><tbody><tr><td bgcolor=”#b2cfff” height=”20″ width=”149″><a href=””><img src=”” alt=”free online dating” border=”0″></a></td><td bgcolor=”white” width=”1″><a href=””><img src=”” alt=”free online dating” border=”0″></a></td></tr></tbody></table></td><td valign=”middle”>You scored higher than <b>99%</b> on <b>Extraversion</b></td></tr><tr><td valign=”middle”><table bgcolor=”black” border=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”1″><tbody><tr><td bgcolor=”#b2cfff” height=”20″ width=”149″><a href=””><img src=”” alt=”free online dating” border=”0″></a></td><td bgcolor=”white” width=”1″><a href=””><img src=”” alt=”free online dating” border=”0″></a></td></tr></tbody></table></td><td valign=”middle”>You scored higher than <b>99%</b> on <b>Intuition</b></td></tr><tr><td valign=”middle”><table bgcolor=”black” border=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”1″><tbody><tr><td bgcolor=”#b2cfff” height=”20″ width=”149″><a href=””><img src=”” alt=”free online dating” border=”0″></a></td><td bgcolor=”white” width=”1″><a href=””><img src=”” alt=”free online dating” border=”0″></a></td></tr></tbody></table></td><td valign=”middle”>You scored higher than <b>99%</b> on <b>Thinking</b></td></tr><tr><td valign=”middle”><table bgcolor=”black” border=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”1″><tbody><tr><td bgcolor=”#b2cfff” height=”20″ width=”149″><a href=””><img src=”” alt=”free online dating” border=”0″></a></td><td bgcolor=”white” width=”1″><a href=””><img src=”” alt=”free online dating” border=”0″></a></td></tr></tbody></table></td><td valign=”middle”>You scored higher than <b>99%</b> on <b>Judging</b></td></tr></tbody></table></blockquote></span>


<table cellpadding=20><tr><td>Link: <a href=’′>The Brutally Honest Personality Test</a> written by <a href=’’>UltimateMaster</a> on <a  href=’’>OkCupid Free Online Dating</a>, home of the <a href=’’>The Dating Persona Test</a></td></tr></table>