Is that like an orgy ?

So there I was having some time with my son, both of us sprawled on my bed reading, ( each with our own books, tis cool he gets the companionable quiet ) and he asks me what a double date is.

So I ask him what a date is and he answers it is two people, sometimes a boy and a girl or a boy an a boy or a girl and a girl who sort of like [i]like[/i] each other and they go out and do things like going ot the cinema and they might do kisses.

Grand I think so I then I explain that a double date is two couples who go to the picture together both on dates but doing the same things.
He asked would all do kisses and I explain usually not.

Then cos he is a bright enough kid starts figuring out that a triple date is 6 people, 3 couples, a quadruple date is 8 people and 4 couples and then a quintuple date is 10 people and 5 couples.
Then he asks, ‘is that like an orgy ?’

I look at him and raise an eyebrow coolly ask him what an orgy is.

The reply I get back is that an orgy is a type of party the Romans would have and they would get drunk and kiss everyone.

I told him that dates were usually about two people getting to know each other and even if it was a group date that did not mean people were going to kiss everyone.

‘ah ok’ he replied and then said that orgies didn’t seem very hygienic and that they all must have gotten colds and sick and that is why the roman empire ended and promptly went back to reading his book.

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