Why “Legislate for X” is not enough.

It has been 20 years from the High Court ruling on the XCase and the referendum in which the Irish people rejected to rule out “risk to the life of the mother” as a reason for a lawful termination or legal abortion.

But even if tomorrow this government was to legislate for the XCase ruling where the previous 6 have failed to do, it would not be enough.

It would not be enough, as it won’t cover women who need a medical termination due to fatal fetal abnormalities.



The worst news that any expecting parent can receive, is that their unborn child will not survive outside of the womb. The law in Ireland does not allow mothers and fathers the personal choice to terminate a pregnancy under these very tragic circumstances. Instead, we are forced abroad, without care or advice, to undergo termination procedures.

It won’t be enough as it won’t cover women like Michelle Harte, was being treated for cancer.


A woman who is terminally ill has claimed she was forced to travel to Britain for an abortion earlier this year.

She was advised by her doctors to terminate her pregnancy because of the risks to her health. However, an ethics forum at Cork University Hospital decided against sanctioning an abortion for her in Ireland.

Michelle Harte of Co. Wexford said that doctors at the hospital where she was being treated for cancer had advised her to terminate her pregnancy because of the risks to her health.

However, the ethics forum went against the medical advice on the basis that Michelle Harte of Co Wexford’s life was not under immediate threat.

It wont be enough for Ms C, had been under going chemotherapy for 3y years and when she took the Irish State to the EU court of Human rights they found that the state violated article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights in how it had failed her due to there being no way she could find out if she could have a lawful termination or legal abortion here at home.

3 reasons why to legislate for X is not enough, women deserve better.

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