Tag Archives: spirituality

Snake Dreams

The wake of the new year brought with it bouts of insomnia and then finally as the skies were graced with the first new moon of the year my sleeping pattern settled down and I began to have Snake dreams.

It’s not the first time I’ve had snake dreams, the last time was in the run up to my Saturn’s return and boy did my life get interesting. That time it was more to do with Kundalini energies and swallowing snakes.

This time I was having dreams of shedding my skin and being more ‘me’ afterwards and
my colours and attributes being clearer. The snake is said to be a symbol of transformation and healing, and well the two weeks after the dreams started have certainly started down that path.

Oddly enough this Chinese new year, which is the 10th of febuary, is that of the Snake, so maybe this will be a year of transformation and healing for me.
I also found this under my bed when I was tidying.

It was a present from a friend long ago and I think I will keep him on my desk to remind me to keep active and doing the things I need to over the year to come.

Waiting for the return of the Sun…

Every year I try and keep the same tradition, I light a large candle from the hart of the house and leaving burning during the longest nights.


These days modern pagans can check when exactly the Sun moves into Capricorn, but it wasn’t that long ago what it was a little harder to tell. Yes, yes there is Newgrange but even then there are 3 days that the sunlight will make it down the passageway, on the Solstice and the day before and the day after.

I have used the same small program for years, to help me keep track for you do need to, as you can’t rely on the calendar dates, it is called Lunabar

The Wheel of the year turns but we do not turn with it unless we put the time and effort in. This winter so far has been a good one, one of accomplishment and new challenges and for me discovering new skills and forging new relationships. I look forward to what they year to come will bring.

I love this time of year as we reach the tipping point, the point of change and transition and I am grateful for the time winter gives me to contemplate the past year, and the year to come and to spend time with friends and family.

I have friends the far side of the planet and am aware that for them it is the Summer Soltice, for them the Sun starts to wane and the harvests start to ripen. There is such wonderful balance in this.

So were ever you are, what ever your spirituality or if the Sun is returning or taking it’s leave, I hope the next 6 months are wonderful for you and in ways you don’t expect.

You are invited to a book launch…

The book launch for A Practical guide to Irish Spirituality will be held on the 14th of December, 10.30am – 1pm in The Irish Writer’s Center.
There will be a talk from the Author, a drinks reception and a signing.

A perfect chance to pick up a copy and have it dedicated as present for someone this coming Christmas/Yule/Winter Solstice.

For further enquirers contact: WolfpackPublishers@gmail.com +353 (0)71 9634754

Very much looking forward to this, see you there.