“Someone you love, will love some…”

Well there wasn’t any coconut creams, does anyone else remember that ad?

Funny how growing up in the 80s they were the posh buscuits, my granny
would always have Mikado and my Nana would always have Kimberly.
But with the vast array of chocolate cover biscuits and different types
of cookies, chocolate Kimberlys don’t seem to be the decadence they once were.

I do remember in the 90s there being uproar in the local supermarket as it at
run out of boxes of chocolate Kimberlys in the run up to Christmas and there
were ‘words’ being had with the manager by several women as to when they would
be back in and them wanting boxes held for them.

How the world has changed, they are still how ever Granny’s biscuits as the
my kids know them only from being the ones they don’t like in the treat press
in their grandmother’s in Wexford.

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