That by which we call a brain fart…..

Are they till scriblings ?
That is the question that rampaged around my mind last night as I tried to get to sleep.
I have always refered to what ever I managed to get arround to writing fiction wise as my scriblings.
This has been the case for years and years.
But honestly as I have been trying to tackle Nawrinamo of what ever the hell it is called,
I find my self not being as comfy with the term.
Surely they should be typings ? or even typos ?
Well scriblings referenced the fact that my hand writing can be an untter unfathomable scrawl and the possible direness and incomprehensibility of what I had written to any one but me.

Is the pc keyboard that different ?
I know that sitting here it is a lot easier to edit , re eidt and edit things again which can be a trap in it’s self.
Thankfully it also allows me to try and adjust spelling of certain words when I need to.
/shrug I did infact spell incomprehensibility correctly but nawrinomo just didnt’ stick in my head.
I don’t know I guess at least doing this is putting to rest any idea I might be Jo March scribbling away in the attic.

Red strokes…

<table width=350 align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><tr><td bgcolor=”#EEE9E9″ align=center>
<font face=”Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif” style=’color:black; font-size: 14pt;’>
<strong>You Are Rouge Red</strong>
<tr><td bgcolor=”#FFFAFA”>
<center><img src=”” height=”100″ width=”100″></center>
<font color=”#000000″>
Of all the reds, you are the most energetic and vibrant.<br />
You never need to recharge, and in fact, you often recharge others.<br />
Gutsy and brave, you’ve never let your fears stop you from doing anything.<br />
You figure that life is all about experiences, and you’ll always take that leap of faith.
<div align=”center”><a href=””>What Color Red Are You?</a></div>


I am sick and in more ways then one 🙁

I had tought that I had battled the cold monster and won; turns out it was just lurking and not in retreat but regrouping to luanch a swift counter attack.

I woke up this morning with a streaming head cold and I can already hear a thickness in my chest.
This does not bode well at all. 🙁

My weekend was to be one of drinking, gaming and general debauchery; I have been planning it all year.
Last year my October bank holi was a utter wash out and I only made it to one day at gealcon.
I was very much intending to run riot in the rpg room this year but right now all i want is my bed and a hot whiseky and uniflu.

I am heading out to Scorplett’s birthday celebrations this evening and that may just wipe me out
for the rest of the weekend.

It could be worse I will get to spend most of the weekend with my scratching post and the children will be away visiting thier granny in wexford and a weekend of doing as I please is wonderful;
but as I please and what I need to do may well be at home in bed and not in Clontarf. 🙁


6 months, 1 day.

There are 12 very long stemmed red roses in my vase on the kitchen table and a misting of baby’s breath.
It has been a very very long time from when I was last given such roses at least 10 years.
They were unexpected, but wonderfull and moving, pretty much like the relationship that has developed over the last 6months and a day.

They have made me rethink and reassess things I has discounted and wonder how jaded I had become about certain things,
and written the possbility of them out of my life and squash any expectation or need for them.
I long ago embraced the thornier aspects of me and my life and really at this stage screw the thorns I do want roses.

Say my name

<div style=”position:relative; border-width:1px; border-color:332200; border-style: solid; background-color:c9b390; padding:0 10px; width:400px; text-align:center; font-family:serif; left:50%; margin:25px 0 25px -200px; color:332200;”>
My pirate name is:
<div style=”font-size:32px;”>
Red Anne Bonney    </div>
<img src=”” style=”top:5px; position:relative; display:block; width:100px; background-color:332200;” />
<div style=”left:110px; top:-60px; width:290px; position:relative; text-align: justify;”>
Passion is a big part of your life, which makes sense for a pirate. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate’s life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well.    Arr!
<a href=”” style=”position:absolute; width:100%; left:0px; bottom:20px; color:f8eecc;”>Get your own pirate name from</a><br />part of the network