New report highlights gender bias

New report highlights gender bias
Tuesday, 11 November 2008 20:08

Women are leaving college with better results than men and are more likely to find jobs on graduation but are still being paid less, according to new research.

A report from the Higher Education Authority (HEA) has found women more likely to achieve first class honours in degree programmes in almost every third level faculty.
It found they were more likely to be employed nine months after graduation.

However, male graduates are twice as likely as females to be earning over €45,000. Women are also over represented in the lowest salary brackets.
The HEA says the study shows a gender bias in salaries in favour of males continues to persist.
The report looked at the experience of more than 23,000 students who graduated in 2006 from universities and other third level institutions.

But yet most female college graduates would no consider themselves to be feminist or that feminism has any relevance to them what so ever.

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