Horrorscope Sunday, 25 April 2010

Some obstacle     ***
Valid during many months: During this time sudden, unexpected events will test your ability to withstand change and to stay on the path you have chosen. Each of us sets forth certain objectives that we must accomplish in order to successfully maintain our sense of being a unique and strong individual. This influence seems to ask the question, “Do you really believe in what you are doing? Can you perform your tasks in the face of upsets and challenges from the outside world and even from psychological forces within yourself?” How well you withstand this challenge will determine how well your life will go during the next several years.

On one hand you may suddenly realize that because of circumstances that have developed over the last several years you can no longer do what you want without making a lot of changes. It may be necessary to struggle and break free from circumstances that you encounter in your work or with authorities, such as employers or government agencies. There may even be limiting circumstances in your personal life, such as a bad love relationship or parental domination. At any rate some obstacle is preventing you from doing what you have to do, and you want to rebel against it.

On the other hand, you may be doing perfectly well in all of these matters. Your job may be perfectly satisfactory, and your personal life may be fulfilling, a real expression of who you are. But something comes along, some unexpected incident that forces you to reevaluate what you are doing. For example, at work someone may throw you a “curve ball,” such as an employer suddenly questioning your effectiveness in work or a similar disruption. You may have to reevaluate your relationships to the various groups you belong to.

If you are doing what you should in terms of your life and experience, these disruptive events will only be a test that you will withstand successfully. But if you find the energies of this period destructive beyond your control, you should consider what changes must be made either to minimize these effects or to turn them into positive ones.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Uranus Square Sun, , exact at 03:03
activity period from beginning of April 2010 until beginning of March 2011

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