All posts by jcjosAdmin

Well Filk me!

After a conversation with a friend who had commented in my ability to pervert just about the lyrics of any song and in time and rhyme
I explained to them that doing such had a long tradition and that I didn’t mean jut bawdy songs but what is known as filk. Filk? they replied what’s that? Filk was something I discovered years ago in the back of a Dragon magazine a rewording of the song “The boxer” so that the chorus ran “Roll the die, roll the die die die die die”
If your groaning at that this is either going to get better or worse 😀

Ah the art of filking isn’t that well known alas at conventions here as it is in the UK or in the USA, it is the art of writing or re wording songs usually about sci/fantasy themes. One example is the Very Scary solstice album which feature such songs as "I Saw Mommy Kissing Yog-Sothoth" "It’s the Most Horrible Time of the Year" and "Away in a Madhouse". My favourite Cthulhu filk has to be "Hey there Cthulhu"

My fav sicfi one after that has to be the Honour Harrington Ballads esp "No quarter". So I like filk it’s fun, there is more then just Werd AL mind you "Saga begins" is one that still gets sung in this house hold and the kids are still working on learning all the words.

So I was thrilled to find out that not only is Mercedes Lackey the author of a lot of books I have enjoyed but that she is also a filker.
She preforms and writes filk and has one awards for doing so and some of it is based on her books. Squeeeeeetastic imho 🙂

So here’s two of her’s I found, even if none likes them or loathes them I want to scrap book them here. Mercedes Lackey – Warrior
and Mercedes Lackey – Mirror Spell

In hope that I will learn the lyrics and inflict my, ahem singing of them on some poor unfortunates in the future. Now if only I can track down the filk based on

On the day before the referenda

The llamas were let loose….

lamas loose at Red Cow roundabout
Thursday, 1 October 2009 13:40

A herd of llamas is loose on the M50 at the Red Cow roundabout in Dublin.

The llamas are being rounded up and loaded into trucks.

Gardaí are advising drivers to drive carefully approaching the junction

I am sore laughing at this one, if ever the universe were trying to send us a sign…

Why is the school system in Ireland is broken?

This is the follow up from my last blog post, the week has flown in and there’s been a fair bit of back and forth on this.

Why is the school system in Ireland is broken? Because of the special relationship between the catholic church and the schools it is patron of( which is 92% of all primary schools in the country).

This special relationship is very physically repesented in my childrens school.
To get to the main gate into the primary school you have to walk in the main gate of the local parish church and walk 2/3rds of the length of it’s grounds, the school is literally build on the church grounds, a portion of it annexed off. That is it’s self sets up a strong notion of propriety and it’s always something I am mindful when ever I have to go into the school as I did for the meeting.

I walked the children to school and we had a grand stroll and we commented on the changes we could see to the trees along they way and then we got to the school gate. The deputy head was there, on his way out to have a word with lollipop lady but he called out to me saying ” I will be with you shortly Mrs X” which automatically resulted in a groan from my son to my left and a comment of ‘oh dear’ from my daughter to my right. X is their surname, but it’s not mine and I have never been married. They were both aware that I was going in to sort out issue of the form and that me getting called Mrs X was not an auspicious start.

Thankfully things improved drastically from there for as soon as I was in the office with the deputy head he said that he was sorry I had gotten the form, that I was completely right on my points about the church not needing any of that personal data and they had no right to ask for it. He explained that the form had not gone via the school administration and that it was a serious lapse in protocol and one which he would be bringing up with the parish priest. He left me know that there had been other complaints and it was only when the complaints started that he became aware that the forms had been given out as the teachers assumed they had been vetted and cleared and that if I wanted to I should complain in writing to the archdioceses.

The deputy head was unaware of the note on the form until I showed it to him.
He went incredibly quiet and then said that the note but a whole different spin on the matter.
I have to say fair play to him for his candour and understanding and he asked could he photocopy it and I agreed. The note on the form and my formal complaint means there may be a disciplinary hearing for the teacher.

He knows my son pretty well and was concerned that this would set him back as he had noted how well he had been getting on the last year. He said that he had spoken to the teacher about the issue of ‘punishment’ and that she said she never said she would not given punishment work for not bringing in the forum but had stressed how serious it was that it be filled in and brought in to the class.
He also said that he had spoken to my son the day before and was sorry if it caused him any stress be he was trying to get to the bottom of this and would make sure that his teacher from last year would check in with him over the week to see how he was, as a friendly ear.

The issue re the punishment work seems to have stemmed from the fact that if you need to bring in a parental note and fail to do so you may be told to copy out the section of the school rules which covers this a number of times and my son being how he is and the stressed importance of the form had him assume that it would be treated the same way, which is not that far of a leap of logic even for an elven year old.

After getting things straight with the deputy head we both then went to have a chat with the teacher outsides of the classroom, she explained that she had been faced with the parish priest who is also a member of the board of management insisting that the forums be given out and that they be given to all the children and filled in. It was under this pressure with the priest standing at her desk that she wrote a note on the forum to apparently try explain even as she knew that the form should not apply to my son.

I can see how it is hard to argue with the priest in front of the class room of children and there are other factors in play as well as the board of management play a part in hiring and firing all teachers.

After the explanation and apology we then we called my son out of class so that he saw all three of us together and we all assured him that the matter of the form had been settled and wasn’t going to be brought up again and that he had nothing to worry about. He visibly relaxed at this news and after a hug from me went back to class and so did his teacher.

The deputy head then walked me to the school door saying again he was sorry that this had happened and that I was right to complain and that there should never be a repeat of this but the school and it’s administration would never want to cause offence as it wants the best for all the children but in this case they were taking the brunt for the actions of the parish priest over which they had no control. He also thanked me for coming into the school to try get this settled and that
good communication between parents and school can often be vital for children esp those who have special needs like my son.

I don’t think the school let me down or my son I think the way that schools have been allowed to be set up with the abdication of the responsibility for schools by successive governments which has let us down and is in my opinion has been failing to live up to the terms and responsibilities as laid out in our constitution.

Article 42
3. 1° The State shall not oblige parents in violation of their conscience and lawful preference to send their children to schools established by the State, or to any particular type of school designated by the State

The state has let 92% of our schools be set up under catholic patronage, making them the designated default schools of the state and children who are not catholic or christen are used to fill up the places in the schools as the grants for running the schools come from the dept of education and are per child, but those children then are not cherished equally and have to sit in the class during religious education and instruction as there are not staff available to supervise them out of class and parents can not come on to the school grounds to do so due to insurance reasons ( but the parish priest seemingly can pop over any time he wants ) and the children can not be taken out of school during that time as they will then not reach the minimum hours required per week.

And even if a class has a set time for religious eduction and instruction and a child can be opted out
due to the nature of the curriculum there is not generally a rigid divide between subjects and the school ethos tends to pervade all subjects.

I left the school happy with the meeting and being able to deal with the deputy head to understood my concerns and was able to put his hand up and say what happened was wrong and should not have happened. Happy that my son now knew this wasn’t an issue and that the teacher would have it explained to her why her addition to the form was out of order.
As for how the priest is dealt with I know that anything which is distributed to the children will have to go via the office and that he will be reminded of the new HSE guidelines for the school which says all visitors to the school must check in at the office.

As I walked from the school grounds on to the church grounds I saw a class of children from the jr school with their teacher carrying a cd player and heading into the church. This used to happen with my two and when I questioned it I was told wasn’t the priest great to let the children do music and choir sessions in the church where they would not disturb other classes with their singing.

As I approached the gates of the church the parish priest drove in and waved at me.
Usually if anyone waves at me and I know them in anyway I would wave back at them but not that day, not having had so much grief and stress caused by his unthinking actions and assumptions.

Do you lubricate when you fornicate?

It’s good to see that more people are starting to be come aware of lube as a sex toy and as a good way to enhance their pleasure alone or with a partner for the simple reason it makes things go smoother and a lot more fun.

No longer is it something that dried up women use or ‘the gays’ and no longer is there only the one type, it used to be that there was only the white tube of KY Jelly usually on the over the counter display near the till of the chemists and buying it would make the sales assistant raise their eyebrow.

Yes it was possible to get other types in sex shops but not that many people would have gone shopping in there on a regular bases.

But now as the naughthy noughties starts to come to a close and with boots being a British chain store who has no qualms having the condoms and lube out on the floor so that you do not have to ask the sales assistant for them more people are discovering lube.

Durex are on this with their ‘play’ range, with their well known brand they are branching out and with the inclusion of sachets of lube in bundled products.
But while those lubes are water based and there for good for use with latex condoms and will just dissolve on and in a person they can often dissolve too quickly.

Oil based lubes should not be used with latex condoms as it damages the condom which means the may break or not be as safe.

Silicon lube is very sticky, doesn’t dissolve easily but it should not be used with silicon sex toys.

There are flavoured lubes, which thankfully tend to be better tasting then flavoured condoms and there are a range of heat and tingle lubes which cause different sensations when applied.

Lube should be used in moderation mind, not too little and not too much.
Too little and you can end up making things sore and too much and it can become a slippery slidey mess with out enough sensation.

And I will leave you with my two favourite you tube clips about lube:

How broken is the school system in Ireland?

Broken enough that I have a Teacher, paid by the dept of education who works in the school my children attend, which is patron by the catholic archdioceses of Dublin, threatening my 11 year old son who has Aspergers , with punishment homework to get him to bring in a document which does not exist and to get me to fill in a form to disclose information about my son and my family to the local parish which the school can not disclose due to it’s own data protection policy.

I reckon that is pretty broken.

The form arrive home on the 07/09/2009, it was from the local catholic parish office and distributed in the school by the teacher to all the children in 6th class. The form asks for a number of details which are needed which are to be entered in the parishes’ own Confirmation Register, Name, address, phone number, date of birth, date of baptism, where the baptism took place, mother’s first name and maiden surname, father’s name as on birth cert.

Now first of I thought well none of this applies to my child he’s not a christian he must have just been given a form like the rest of the class but nope. My son’s name was written on the top right of the form and there was a note form the teacher hand written in red pen on the bottom stating:

“Even tough (name of my son) is not being confirmed the church is requesting details for all children so if you wouldn’t mind filling in the relevant info”.

Hell yes I mind, and the teacher had marked date of baptism and where the baptism took place as not applicable (N/A) but asterisked all the other fields of the form for me to fill in. So not impressed that a religious organisation I am not a member of wants to start a file on my son and my family I questioned the school secretary on it and was told that I need not fill it in and not to worry about it.

Que yesterday at homework time I find a note written in my son’s homework journal requesting the form and my son was upset as he was worried that he would get punishment work if he did not have the form in, so upset it took a half of talking him down.

So I took the time to write a letter to his (new) teacher explaining that he is not baptised, that the church has no right to start a record on him and that the matter had been cleared with the school secretary and requesting no more notes or threats of punishment work about the form or baptismal cert and hoped that would be the end of it.

Today my son comes home to say the Deputy headmaster had come into his class room looking for the forms and pulled my son out of class to ask him about it, all of which had my son upset and in a panic, he did tell the deputy headmaster that he is not baptised, will not be making his confirmation and that I had spoken to the school secretary and was told that I need not fill out the form.All of which he related to me (when he got home as he is on half day) upset, confused and wondering what he had done ‘wrong’. Blessed child had not done a damn thing wrong what so ever.

That is two days in a row my child has come home from school upset and stressed over this matter and I am having to deal with the fall out. It is not as if the school which he has been enrolled in for the seven years is not aware that he is not baptised, they had that entered in their records from the day I put his name down to be enrolled in the school. It is not as if the school are unaware of the fact he has Aspergers, as they were the referral to the child and family clinic and he has learning support in place. It is not as if the school has had plenty of children currently and over the years enrolled who are not catholic but yet they seem to have no system in place to pass that information on to the teachers so that those children are not needlessly singled out.

The school in every other aspect has been wonderful and supportive of both my children,
it is close enough for them to walk to, the class sizes are good, the staff in general are wonderful but there are still times when I wish there had of been an Educate Together school close enough to send them too.

As for trying to resolve this matter and so that my son feels school is fair I have a 9:05am meeting with the deputy head tomorrow morning and if needs be I will go to the board of management which will be interesting considering the local parish priest is the head of it as it is one of the 92% of primary schools which due to the patronage system has the majority of ‘local’ primary school being paid for by the state but on church lands and run according to church rules and cannon law which seems to include using the school and it’s teachers to gather personal data on non church members.

Listening to the moon.

I’ve been listening to the moon this morning, it’s been very interesting.
I got this link via Warren Ellis and it’s a project that someone attched to the Japanese space program put together.
They have taken the topography of the moon and given it’s value’s corresponding notes.
So that the moon can be played like a record or a phonograph sphere rather then a phonograph cylinder.
It’s odd and eerie and cool.

Be a bitch, break the rules and keep yourself safe.

I get called a bitch a lot cos I speak up, point out things which I don’t find acceptable and refuse to put up with other peoples bull****, and I do believe that a guy doing the same would just be a hard hitter, but such double standards and how we expect people to behave due to their gender can cause a lot of harm.

Girls and women are expected to be more polite, more tolerant, more forgiving, part of being seen as soft and lets face it weak cos then men are seen as stronger and as protector ( which can be also harmful to men ). This often goes against women in the work place if a woman is assertive she’s a bitch and a ball breaker if a guy is as equally assertive the same standard is not applied.

For the most part I am assertive and loud and will call people out on behaviour which I think is just not on but I do know that not every woman is as assertive as me for a range of reasons but some of them I do think are due to social conditioning and how to be good and nice so people will like you
and some one may want to be with you.

And then this evening I read this and was blown away by it.
We are told to be nice girls and good and polite and when it comes to
dealing with sexual predators and arseholes that just doesn’t work but so many women find it hard to stand up to them as it’s not nice.

Being nice and polite and ladylike only works if the other person is not a dick and has manners and will respect boundaries and sometimes there is nothing as empowering as telling someone loudly and clearly to ‘go away, leave me alone’ but we suffer the consequences of being called crazy as we are then the person acting out of turn.

Any way here’s the link to the blog post.

By the by, I consistently use that title because I mean for it to operate as a trigger warning. I write a lot about rape, but sometimes I write about other things, and I don’t want anybody taken off-guard transitioning from “help computer” into wtf rape-talk. Case you were wondering.

I was re-reading my five billion goddamn posts about rape and force, and I realized (surprise!) there is a more succinct way for me to express what I was thinking. I tend to go on and on, circling a subject, trying to get out everything in my head that possibly relates to it, and then sometimes find I didn’t really address the subject at all. So, here is what I wanted to say in those five billion posts about rape:

If women are raised being told by parents, teachers, media, peers, and all surrounding social strata that:

* it is not okay to set solid and distinct boundaries and reinforce them immediately and dramatically when crossed (”mean bitch”)
* it is not okay to appear distraught or emotional (”crazy bitch”)
* it is not okay to make personal decisions that the adults or other peers in your life do not agree with, and it is not okay to refuse to explain those decisions to others (”stuck-up bitch”)
* it is not okay to refuse to agree with somebody, over and over and over again (”angry bitch”)
* it is not okay to have (or express) conflicted, fluid, or experimental feelings about yourself, your body, your sexuality, your desires, and your needs (”bitch got daddy issues”)
* it is not okay to use your physical strength (if you have it) to set physical boundaries (”dyke bitch”)
* it is not okay to raise your voice (”shrill bitch”)
* it is not okay to completely and utterly shut down somebody who obviously likes you (”mean dyke/frigid bitch”)

If we teach women that there are only certain ways they may acceptably behave, we should not be surprised when they behave in those ways.

And we should not be surprised when they behave these ways during attempted or completed rapes.

Women who are taught not to speak up too loudly or too forcefully or too adamantly or too demandingly are not going to shout “NO” at the top of their goddamn lungs just because some guy is getting uncomfortably close.

Women who are taught not to keep arguing are not going to keep saying “NO.”

Women who are taught that their needs and desires are not to be trusted, are fickle and wrong and are not to be interpreted by the woman herself, are not going to know how to argue with “but you liked kissing, I just thought…”

Women who are taught that physical confrontations make them look crazy will not start hitting, kicking, and screaming until it’s too late, if they do at all.

Women who are taught that a display of their emotional state will have them labeled hysterical and crazy (which is how their perception of events will be discounted) will not be willing to run from a room disheveled and screaming and crying.

Women who are taught that certain established boundaries are frowned upon as too rigid and unnecessary are going to find themselves in situations that move further faster before they realize that their first impression was right, and they are in a dangerous room with a dangerous person.

Women who are taught that refusing to flirt back results in an immediately hostile environment will continue to unwillingly and unhappily flirt with somebody who is invading their space and giving them creep alerts.

People wonder why women don’t “fight back,” but they don’t wonder about it when women back down in arguments, are interrupted, purposefully lower and modulate their voices to express less emotion, make obvious signals that they are uninterested in conversation or being in closer physical proximity and are ignored. They don’t wonder about all those daily social interactions in which women are quieter, ignored, or invisible, because those social interactions seem normal. They seem normal to women, and they seem normal to men, because we were all raised in the same cultural pond, drinking the same Kool-Aid.

And then, all of a sudden, when women are raped, all these natural and invisible social interactions become evidence that the woman wasn’t truly raped. Because she didn’t fight back, or yell loudly, or run, or kick, or punch. She let him into her room when it was obvious what he wanted. She flirted with him, she kissed him. She stopped saying no, after a while.

These rules for social interactions that women are taught to obey are more than grease for the patriarchy wheel. Women are taught both that these rules will protect them, and that disobeying these rules results in punishment.

Here’s a situation every woman is familiar with: some guy she knows, perhaps a casual acquaintance, perhaps just some dude at the bus stop, is obviously infatuated with her. He’s making conversation, he’s giving her the eye. She doesn’t like him. She doesn’t want to talk to him. She doesn’t want him near her. He is freaking her out. She could disobey the rules, and tell him to GET THE **** AWAY FROM HER, and continue screaming GET THE **** AWAY FROM ME every time he tries to step closer, or speak to her again. And then he will be all, “I was just talking to you! WTF!” and everybody else will be all, “Yeah, seriously, why’d you freak out at a guy just talking to you?” and refuse to offer the support she needs to be safe from dude. Or, the guy might become hostile, violent even. Ladies, you’ve seen that look, the “bitch can’t ignore me” look. It’s a source of constant confusion, as soon as you start budding breasts, that the man who just a moment ago told you how pretty you are is now calling you a stupid ugly whore, all because you didn’t get in his car.


You could follow the rules. You could flirt back a little, look meek, not talk, not move away. You might have to put up with a lot more talking, you might have to put up with him trying to ask you out to lunch every day, you might even have to go out to lunch with him. You might have to deal with him copping a feel. But he won’t turn violent on you, and neither will the spectators who have watched him browbeat you into a frightened and flirtatious corner.

So we learn the rules will protect us. We learn that, when we step out of line, somebody around us might very well turn crazy. Might hurt us. And we won’t be defended by onlookers, who think we’ve provoked the crazy somehow. So, having your ass grabbed at the bus stop, having to go out to dinner with a guy you ****ing can’t stand, maybe even having to **** him once or twice, it’s a small sacrifice to avoid being ostracized, insulted, verbally abused, and possibly physically assaulted.

It’s a rude ****ing awakening when a woman gets raped, and follows the rules she has been taught her whole life — doesn’t refuse to talk, doesn’t refuse to flirt, doesn’t walk away ignoring him, doesn’t hit, doesn’t scream, doesn’t fight, doesn’t raise her voice, doesn’t deny she liked kissing — and finds out after that she is now to blame for the rape. She followed the rules. The rules that were supposed to keep the rape from happening. The rules that would keep her from being fair game for verbal and physical abuse. Breaking the rules is supposed to result in punishment, not following them. For every time she lowered her voice, let go of a boundary, didn’t move away, let her needs be conveniently misinterpreted, and was given positive reinforcement and a place in society, she is now being told that all that was wrong, this one time, and she should have known that, duh.

For anybody who has ever watched the gendered social interactions of women — watched a woman get browbeaten into accepting attention she doesn’t want, watched a woman get interrupted while speaking, watched a woman deny she is upset at being insulted in public, watched a woman get grabbed because of what she was wearing, watched a woman stop arguing — and said and done nothing, you never have the right to ever ask, “Why didn’t she fight back?”

She didn’t fight back because you told her not to. Ever. Ever. You told her that was okay, and necessary, and right.

You didn’t give her a caveat. You didn’t say, “Unless…” You said, “Good for you, shutting up and backing down 99% of the time. Too bad that 1% of the time makes you a ****ing whore who deserved it.”

Nobody obtains the superpower to behave dramatically differently during a frightening confrontation. Women will behave the same way they have been taught to behave in all social, professional, and sexual interactions. And they will be pretty goddamned surprised to come out the other end and find out that means they can legally be raped at any time, by just about anybody.

I am focusing on women here. I tend to do that, being one and all, but let’s mention something about men. If men have been raised to behave aggressively, to discount what women and weaker men want and feel and say, to obtain power and social standing through force, to deny emotions exist, to feel that women are fundamentally a different species, to set a boundary and keep it NO MATTER WHAT, to make a decision and stick to it NO MATTER WHAT, to feel entitled to sex, to feel they will be ostracized and possibly physically attacked if they don’t acquire sex with women, to feel under threat of harassment and attack if they don’t constantly maintain a hyper-masculine exterior, to prove their manhood through dangerous and degrading physical activities…

if you have seen men behave in this way, and encouraged it, and thought it was normal, so normal you didn’t even see it…

then you never have the right to say “He couldn’t possibly have done that” when you hear that your brother raped somebody.

That wasn’t concise at all. What I mean to say is:

The way men and women interact on a daily basis is the way they interact when rape occurs. The social dynamics we see at play between men and women are the same social dynamics that cause men to feel rape is okay, and women to feel they have no right to object. And if you accept those social interactions as normal and appropriate in your day to day life, there is absolutely no reason you should be shocked that rape occurs without screaming, without fighting, without bruising, without provocation, and without prosecution. Behavior exists on a continuum. Rape doesn’t inhabit its own little corner of the world, where everything is suddenly all different now. The behaviour you accept today is the behavior that becomes rape tomorrow. And you very well might accept it then, too.

When was the last time you asserted yourself when someone intruded on you?
How did you feel? Empowered or embarrassed?

New Fingal CC Street Sweeper.

As a kid growing up I remember seeing the sweeper man, he would come around with a red cart with a shovel and several yard brushes and would sweep down the paths. The road sweeper would come on the day before and do the gutters of the roads but the sweeper man did the baths and it made for a huge difference to the streets esp one with hordes of kids on it.

Such street maintenance I think is important it is the type of little detail which lifts moral of those who live there and people then respect the area more and petty crime and graffiti is less likely to happen, but the sweeper man is very much something of the past. Yes occasionally there have been Fingal workers out picking up papers and the local kids do a clean up, but as we are on one of the busy route for foot traffic to and from the Blanchardstown shopping centre we get a lot of litter dropped as it’s just the right distance it seems for people to have finished their ice cream, drink or crisps and there are no litter bins.

This morning the street sweeping machines was on the road, I could hear it as I took advantage of the good weather to open all the windows to air the house out, it seemed a lot louder then what I am used to and seemed to be doing several passes. When I looked out I was surprised to see it was a new mini street sweeper.

Designed to be the exact width of the path and it did the road and all the paths so the annoyance of the extra noise soon passed as the road looks a lot better. Amazing what clean paths, roads and trimmed grass verges can do to the look and feel of a place, from unkempt and unloved to trim, tidy and more respectable.