What is in your lotions and potions?

Ever wonder what is in your skin care products and makeup?
Often while the ingredients are listed it is hard to tell what is what and what it can or may do.

There is a website which is dedicated to explaining and listing what is in our lotions and potions.


Toxic Chemicals in Cosmetics:
Skin Deep 3.0 Reveals Ingredients in 25,000 Products
Site Gives Consumers Brand-by-Brand Safety Ratings
for Quarter of all Personal Care Products on market

Washington, DC — Most people think that the ingredients in personal care and cosmetic products are safety tested before they are sold. But there is no such requirement in federal law.

To help consumers make informed decisions about their products, Environmental Working Group (EWG) is re-launching its popular Skin Deep website, the only online source for assessing and comparing the safety of personal care products. Skin Deep, first launched 3 years ago by the EWG, generates more than 1 million unique page visits a month. Skin Deep 3.0 is a dramatic upgrade of the database, both in the number of products assessed and the sophistication of EWG’s safety reviews. This newest version evaluates the safety of nearly one-fourth of all personal care products on the market.

Skin Deep fills the information gaps left by an industry that markets thousands of products with ingredients that have not been assessed for safety by either industry or government health experts. By law, the government cannot mandate safety studies of cosmetics products or their ingredients, and only 13 percent of the 10,500 ingredients in personal care products have been reviewed for safety by the cosmetic industry’s own review panel. For virtually every product on the market, safety decisions are made behind closed doors, guided by an industry-funded panel, without the benefit of peer-review or independent pre-market safety testing.

I found it intresting to plug in some of the things I have used on myself and my kids and see what it throws up. Mind you it’s not that long ago women would be rubbing lead and arsenic on their faces and putting deadly nightshade drops in their eyes so I know that the ‘beauty’ industry has always been dodgy.

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