Tag Archives: The Copper House Gallery

Got any stories about those awful fetus feet pins?

I first saw them back in 1992 but they were in use as propaganda tools from 1979.

An exhibition about them and the type of progaganda the ‘pro life’ side has used over the years is going to take place shortly in he Copper House Gallery and they are still looking for contributions.

I’ve sent mine in, we do need a way to record our stories and to share them and this is a wonderful way to do so and ‘Make good art”.



We’re looking for help to publicise two pro choice exhibitions please & help us collect stories and responses.

The written responses will be showcased within the exhibition and archived on this website whilst the recorded vocal responses will be accessible during the exhibition and on this website archive afterwards.

The written responses will be showcased within the exhibition and archived on this website whilst the recorded vocal responses will be accessible during the exhibition and on this website archive afterwards.
