Again there are more delays in legislating for the X Case, as well as the A, B, C rulings leaving women’s health and lives at risk. The program for Government which the current government of FG and Lab agreed to, states they will legislate for the X case ruling and the two referendum on the X Case Ruling.
5 March 1992: The Supreme Court hands down it’s verdict in the X case.
25 November 1992: The proposed 12th amendment to over throw the X Case ruling is rejected by the Irish people.
8th March 2002: The proposed 25th amendment to cover throw the X Case ruling is rejected by the people.
16 December 2010: The EU Court Of Human Rights hands down it’s judgement in the In the case of A. B. and C. v. Ireland case.
January 2011: Labour leader Eamon Gilmore after the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights and the stern message that Ireland needed to get it’s act together and legislate stated that”Ireland needs legislation to allow abortion in circumstances where the life or health of the mother is at risk.”
13 January 2012: It was announced an expert group would be looking at the EU Human rights court ruling, which included recommendations from the A, B & C cases as well as the X case.
12 February 2012: The 20th year of the X Case judgement and with still there was no movement, The Action on X group held public meetings and started to put pressure on the government to finally legislate.
June 2012: The anti abortion groups had rolled out a well funded campaign and the pressure on politicians to yet again ignore the X Case Ruling, the two referendum and the recommendations of the EU human rights courts ramps up.
11 July 2012: The first pro choice Rally in years is held outside the Dáil.
22 July 2012:THE minister of State Kathleen Lynch has said she believes the Government will have no choice but to legislate for abortion in certain circumstances.
23 July 2012: Gilmore states they will wait for the expert group to report back before moving forward and
29 September 2012: the March for Choice happens in Dublin, bringing pro choice activists out on the streets.
15 November 2012: Gilmore states legal clarity is needed in regards to abortion.
17 November 2012: Enda Kenny states he won’t be rushed on the abortion issue.
18 November 2012: James Reilly has said he believes the Cabinet will make a decision on whether to legislate for the X Case early next year.
27 November 2012: The Expert group finally reports to the cabinet.
28 November 2012: An opposition bill proposing abortion legislation is defeated in the Dáil.
1 December 2012: The red C poll is published stating that the majority of the Irish people want the X Case legislated for and wish for abortion legislation beyond just the risk to the life of a woman.
11 December 2012: Ireland is told to expedite legislation by the EU.
19 December 2012: The Government is to proceed with “legislation with regulations” following the Expert Group report on abortion.
21 December 2012: It is announced that the Health committee will have hearings in the new year.
9, 10 11 January 2013: Over 3 days experts, advocates and clergy speak to the committee for health about the introduction of abortion legislation.
31 January 2013: Mr Reilly said he still hopes to have the legislation passed by the Dáil’s summer recess.
15 February 2013: Enda Kenny repeats that any legislation will be with in the Constitution that is with the remit of the 8th amendment.
2 march 2013: Pro choice groups query the delay in bring forward legislation.
4 March 2013: The evening before the 12 years of the anniversary of the verdict of the X case, protester hold a rally at Dublin Castle were the EU ministers for Health are meeting.
5 April 2013: The Master of the Rotunda Hospital calls for legal clarity.
17 April 2013: X Case legislation delayed again, may not be en acted by the summer recess.
How much long must the lives and health of women be at risk in Ireland?