Are We On Social Network xyz? – Dominion

What can happen when you don’t sign up on a socail networking site for your group/club/event.

Are We On Social Network xyz? – Dominion.

Are We On Social Network Du Jour

One question we are being increasingly asked by people is:
I sent you X amount of messages on FaceBook/MySpace/Bebo/Friendster etc. and you haven’t responded.
our reply of course is:
Dominion doesn’t have a FaceBook/MySpace/Bebo/Friendster, if you found one it isn’t us!

We are not into the idea of only members of a certain social networking site/service being able to contact us, or members of a particular service getting a different (either better or worse) service from us than non-members, (like for example only xxx service users seeing feedback posted to us on that service), we like equality (whether the information or service is good/bad is less important than open and available to everyone).

Fans/friends/well-wishers have mistakenly decided to set these up (Dominion Profiles/Groups/Networks) on our behalf, and usually eventually get bored stop maintaining or forget the password for them, and most importantly dont send us the messages, give us the accounts, or shut them down when we ask them to. Currently we know of several on each service, some very popular, and some with 0 friends, but we ask you to please de-friend (so as not to mis-lead others to them).

Feel free to politely ask them to close/delete whatever (they are probably un-maintained so there is little point), do not abuse/insult or negatively message the owners/operators, they probably thought any advertising is good but stale/misleading info is worse than none (as we have seen with our own recent outage).

For example, one particular site that seems to have gained a large following is the Facebook group Dominion Dublin – this is not, repeat NOT, run by us (the people who run the actual club), and indeed has very little to do with the club other than the name – please de-friend it, or at least don’t expect it to have any official information about the club… for example, some people might have missed it when we had DJ Jeyenne from XPQ-21 playing in Dominion a while back, as the Dominion Dublin Facebook site was actually advertising something completely different at the time. 0_o

This website is the only official source of information about forthcoming events, playlists, DJs etc – if this situation changes it will be announced here first.

Obviously, some of the people involved in the club also have their own personal Facebook/LiveJournal/MySpace etc pages – these are sometimes used to pass on information about upcoming events etc., and can be useful for those who forget/don’t have time to check this site regularly, but shouldn’t be taken as gospel – as always, check the information against this site if there’s any confusion or ambiguity.

At the same time we heartily encourage people to post links to our events and news on their own Facebook/LiveJournal/MySpace (we have even added buttons to make this easier to the site) as this way if/when the information changes the link published will continue to point at the correct information, as opposed to cutting/pasting the information from our page, and thus your readers not recieving updates.

Also, feel free to pass this page on to your friends also (using our handy new shiny social network buttons).

For those people who don’t have time to check the website itself every week, or forget to, or whatever, we also have a public RSS feed (provided by LiveJournal*) however it does allow feedbackcommenting by anyone, whether you have a LiveJournal account or not – please feel free to comment or ask questions there too, all feedback is appreciated.
Facebook users can as always “friend” the RSS via:
profile> settings> Imported Stories> Blog/Rss> add (enter into the field provided)

We are also now providing an announcement-only mailing-list for those not able to subscribe via RSS (experimentation still ongoing so expect some duplicates/).

Thanks to all the people, past, present and future, who support Dominion and help us remain Ireland’s longest-running weekly Goth/EBM/Industrial club – keep it up, and keep visiting

Dominion is the only weekly nightclub in the whole island of Ireland devoted to gothic, industrial, EBM and associated alternative music. Launched in July 1999 and has kept going changing venues over the years,  it currently resides in The Cellar in Murrays Bar (formerly Frazers), 33-34 O’Connell Street, Dublin 1 , running on Saturdays from 9:30pm to 2:30am.

Did you know that today is international Women’s Day?

Did you know that today is International Women’s Day?


Did you know that it’s a 100 years from the first one?

In 1910 the first international women’s conference was held in Copenhagen (in the labour-movement building located at Jagtvej 69, which until recently housed Ungdomshuset) by the Second International and an ‘International Women’s Day’ was established, which was submitted by the important German Socialist Clara Zetkin, although no date was specified.[1] The following year, 1911, IWD was marked by over a million people in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland, on March 19.[2]

However, soon thereafter, on March 25, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City killed over 140 garment workers. A lack of safety measures was blamed for the high death toll. Furthermore, on the eve of World War I, women across Europe held peace rallies on 8 March 1913. In the West, International Women’s Day was commemorated during the 1910s and 1920s, but dwindled. It was revived by the rise of feminism in the 1960s.

Demonstrations marking International Women’s Day in Russia proved to be the first stage of the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Following the October Revolution, the Bolshevik feminist Alexandra Kollontai persuaded Lenin to make it an official holiday in the Soviet Union, and it was established, but was a working day until 1965. On May 8, 1965 by the decree of the USSR Presidium of the Supreme Soviet International Women’s Day was declared as a non working day in the USSR “in commemoration of the outstanding merits of Soviet women in communistic construction, in the defense of their Fatherland during the Great Patriotic War, in their heroism and selflessness at the front and in the rear, and also marking the great contribution of women to strengthening friendship between peoples, and the struggle for peace. But still, women’s day must be celebrated as are other holidays.”

How is Women’s Day Celebrated?

On this day it is customary for men to give the women in their lives – mothers, wives, girlfriends, daughters, colleagues, etc – flowers and small gifts. In some countries (such as Romania) it is also observed as an equivalent of Mother’s Day, where children also give small presents to their mothers and grandmothers.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union celebrations of IWD were abandoned in Armenia. Instead April 7 was introduced as state holiday of ‘Beauty and Motherhood.’ The new holiday immediately got popular among Armenians, as it commemorates one of the main holidays of Armenian Church, Annunciation. However, people still kept celebrating IWD on March 8 as well. Public discussion held on the topic of two ‘Women’s Days’ in Armenia resulted in the recognition of the so called ‘Women’s Month’ which is the period between March 8 and April 7.

In Italy, to celebrate the day, men give yellow mimosas to women.[19][20] Yellow mimosas and chocolate are also one of the most common March 8 presents in Russia and Albania.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Lithuania, Moldova, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Serbia the custom of giving women flowers still prevails. Women sometimes get gifts from their employers too. Schoolchildren often bring gifts for their teachers as well.

The 2005 Congress (conference) of the British Trades Union Congress overwhelmingly approved a resolution calling for IWD to be designated a public holiday in the United Kingdom.

This year the theme is equality.

There are 47 events happening in Ireland to mark the day.

Symphysiotomy covered by Primetime finally.

It is on the real player on the site this morning.

I knew about this, I knew about this long before Dr Neary’s scandal broke.

Growing up there was one of the local mammy’s who was on crutches all the time and this operation was the reason why. She had been an unmarried mother giving birth at the start of the 70s and this procedure was done to her. She lived her life in agony due to it being ‘done for her own good’.

The abuse of women when they are their most vulnerable was rife, esp those who were ‘fallen women’ with out a husband to ‘protect’ them.

Symphysiotomy is a discredited childbirth operation severing the pelvis that persisted in Ireland until as recently as the 1980s. Hundreds of Irish women, who were unknowingly subjected to the surgery, say they were left with severe and life-long side-effects, including walking disabilities, chronic pain, incontinence and depression.

Their doctors chose to perform symphysiotomy instead of Caesarean section, a safer alternative. They saw Caesareans as leading women into temptation, the ‘temptation’ to practice birth control.

Yes, they sawed open the joint of the pubic bone under local anesthetic and ruin women’s lives.

Symphysiotomy survivors demand inquiry

[Posted: Tue 24/06/2003]

By Deborah Condon

Irish women who unknowingly underwent symphysiotomies, an operation performed during childbirth between the 1950s and 1980s, are demanding a public inquiry into the practise, which they say, has left them with severe side effects, including extreme pain, incontinence and depression.

A symphysiotomy is a surgical procedure which is carried out to permanently widen the pelvis of a woman who might normally require repeat Caesarean sections. The cartilage of the symphysis pubis, which is the point where the pubic bones come together, is surgically divided during the procedure.

According to support group, Survivors of Symphysiotomy (SOS), Irish obstetricians sought to establish this operation as an alternative to Caesarean sections because it was thought that women subjected to repeated Caesareans ‘might be tempted to use contraception’.

SOS is now demanding answers as to why women were subjected to this procedure without their consent and in many cases, without their knowledge.

Rose, now aged 57, was 17 and pregnant with her first child when she went into labour on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day, a doctor told her that her baby would soon be delivered. She was given what she later learned was a local anaesthetic and was then unknowingly subjected to a symphysiotomy.

“The pain was excruciating. My arms were pinned down by nurses and my legs were held up, like the way you would hold a turkey”, she explained.

After the procedure, when Rose had woken up, she was obviously eager to see her baby, who was in a nursery next door to her ward. However when she tried to stand up, she fainted with the pain and was told not to attempt to get up again. Rose ended up crawling on her hands and knees that night in a desperate attempt to see her baby, before a doctor found her and told a nurse to get a wheelchair for her.

A couple of days later, two nurses came to ‘teach me how to walk again’. She was let out of hospital 10 days after the birth, while her baby remained there for a month. Rose, whose partner died nine years ago, did go on to have more children. However her life has been marked by chronic pain and anger at what has happened to her.

“I have spent 40 years locked up for having a baby. I kept having to give up jobs because of the pain. I have never been on a holiday and I never go out. I have to wear sanitary towels all the time because of bladder problems. I have been to a psychiatrist and I am eventually going to be left on my own in a wheelchair”, she said.

Another survivor, Claire who was 29 and pregnant with her fifth child, was initially told she needed a Caesarean section, but was later told this was not necessary. Referring to what happened in the delivery room, she said she felt as though a ‘red, hot poker’ had been passed through her, the pain was so excruciating. She passed out and when she awoke, she was told that there had been complications, her pelvis had been broken and she would be in bed for five days. She was also told she would have to learn how to walk again.

“I was never followed up. I was never told that I would not be able to hold or nurse my baby. That child was raised in a pram because I couldn’t hold him, the pain was so bad. I couldn’t even play with him. It is 31 years later and I want answers”, she said.

SOS has requested a meeting with Health Minister, Micheal Martin, to discuss the situation. However to date, Mr Martin has failed to agree to meet with the organisation. SOS believes a public inquiry is necessary in order to determine:

-Why symphysiotomies were carried out when alternatives were available.

-Why the procedure was carried out here so often, compared to other European countries.

-Why no-one has been held accountable for the suffering of the women involved.

-Why this procedure was carried out without these women’s consent.

Apart from the inquiry, SOS would also like to see the establishment of a counselling service and helpline. It also believes that those affected should be provided with home help and home modifications where necessary.

“There are a lot of women in wheelchairs and housebound because of this. Who is going to look after them?”, the organisation added.

Knowing about this and some of the other abuses of women’s reproductive rights in this country is why I am such a contraceptive and women’s health information advocate.

Martin promises Symphysiotomy review
Wednesday, 1 October 2003 18:32

The Minister for Health, Micheál Martin, has promised that his department will carry out an independent review of the procedure of Symphysiotomy in Irish hospitals in the 1940s and 1950s.

He has also promised counselling and free health services for the victims.

This follows a meeting with representatives of over 200 women who are suffering serious health problems from the procedure.

The review still has not happened…

Tori time.

Some days need a little bit of Tori time in them to lift the spirits and make you think.

Her music has always drawn me in but it is the lyrics and layered meanings which keep me coming back, it’s musical poetry, it’s a story, it’s conveying complex emotions. I never got ‘pop’ music which didn’t do that growing up, I wasn’t a brosette or or a boy band fan.
Music which has meaning and makes you think was and still is what I like and many of the
bands I listened to while my peers were drooling over the twins and the other one,
like the sugar cubes, the cure, the smiths, the stunning I still dip in and out of.

Tori came a bit later and it was not under the pink which really hooked me but boys for pélé with it’s richness of sounds and range of instruments.

Some of the tracks were recorded here in a church in Delgany.

I do believe that certain types of music will change the way I am thinking and can be good for focusing the brain, the same way Mozart is said to have that effect on kids
certain types of music can move you through your day and help your brain switch track,
and some days need to have some Tori time in them.

Do you love some one enough….

My kids have taken to leaving notes for me on my desk in front of the pc monitor.
I never know what to expect, from a note asking me a question to a book left open on
a page for me to read cos they think I might want to know or sweet or a lollipop left
for me as I was not in the house when they wanted to share.

I came home yesterday after being out for the day to find a book open on a page about
puffles, a post-it requesting cheese sandwiches for school lunch and two ‘last’ rollos.

When was the last time someone gave you their last rollo?


My daughter is now bespectacled.
She had been having some difficulties in school and I knew she has a slight turn in her left eye or stigma which mirrors my own esp when she is tired, so we had the dreaded chat and prepared her for going to the options and having to wear glasses.

She had a dentist appointment earlier in the day which was just a check up and cleaning and then on to the opticians. I found that I prepare her for such events in the same manner that I do her brother. The same running through what will happen, answering as many questions beforehand, explaining what will be acceptable behaviour and make the process easier for then they are in a place they have not been before.

All of which means they both thankfully tend to be cheery and confident and ask only a small amount of questions and focus on what they have to do, which makes things easier on the person examining them and the trip less stressful over all.

It is also fun as a parent to see thing from the point of view of the wonderment of your child as they have a new experience. I was also 9 when I first had to get glasses and I remember by parents doing their best to make sure it was a positive experience for me.
I wanted to do the same so that getting glasses wasn’t a negative thing but just a thing which some people have to do.

Yes, they are, Pink!. There was some difficulty with getting a pair in Pink to fit her as she has it seems a wide head which made finding a pair that fit properly and comfortable an issue to begin with never mind a pair which is Pink. But it was managed with the staff at Vision Express being very helpful and as she likes them and how they look on her, she has been told if they have to be replaced due to her breaking them or being lost then I get to pick the next pair for her.

So far she has had two days in school with them and they are making a difference and thankfully she only has had positive comments from classmates and teachers. Her Dad on discovering she is shortsighted like me did comment that it was my fault but bless her she was swift to correct him saying it wasn’t my fault it was just my and her genes and she may have gotten cool things from having my dna not just short sightedness. I do how ever hope that she will ‘grow out of it’, but the same was said of me and it didn’t happen, so we will see.

What I did over the weekend.

My life is just my life, I do things which I think will be fun, interesting, were I might learn new things and have new experiences. There are times which while pottering away with my life I forget how ‘odd’ it might seem to other people until someone asks me what did I do over the weekend and I tell them.

I just recount to them what I did the same way usually have recounted to me what they got up to over the weekend. I am a pretty out person about most of my ‘oddness’ and most people who know me know this, but every now and then when I do share what I did over the weekend I get a range of responses which make me stop and think.

I don’t know maybe I am just to comfortable in my life and accept that my hobbies and interests are not mainstream and for me spending the weekend arranged around various soccer games would be a very odd way to spent the weekend.

This weekend I went to a special showing of Immodesty’s film ‘Burlesque Undressed’

The Friday evening screening arranged by the The Burlesque & Cabaret Social Club, who as well as having a facebook page there is a Burlesque & Cabaret forum on

Then on the Saturday I attended two workshops which had been put on for the BDSM community in Ireland they were
presented by the wonderful Coral Mallow who was funny, informative, engaging and well versed in the topics where were, Body to Body impact play ( all the different ways to use your body in many ways on a partner) and Dominance (a guide for everyone on presence, energy, voice, stance and skills).
The workshops were well attended with about 30 people sitting about in a hotel function room in the middle of the afternoon, listening, laughing and discussing.

I had fun, it was intresting, I did learn new things and was happy in the company of other people who talk about kink and sex in some of the same open ways as I do.
Maybe having been in such open company over the weekend has meant that I wasn’t as careful about how I spoke about what I did at the weekend, but it sure wasn’t anything wrong or illegal or unexpected to anyone who knows me; but as I forget they don’t live in my world maybe they forget what mine is like.

Timing is everything.

I started up this blog about a week ago, finally fed up and disheartened with the broken and lack of functionality of the outdated version of wordpress which was running on and the fact that it was honestly not a priory for the boards ltd tech staff as they were tasked with sorting out the main site and honestly it’s good that is the way things are esp when things like today happen.

So I got out and got the data files from the old blog roughly 5 years worth.
I do intent on transferring the files to here if I can find away to do it, exported it all as 1 rather large XML file which is 4 times the size of the limit for uploading to this blog and this one is looking for WRX file, oh the joys.

But hopefully there is a way to do it, and hell I may even learn a thing or three trying.

I will miss but at this stage only myself and on other were regularly using the site and I miss how it use to have blogs by a lot of people I got to know on boards.
Not everything someone wants to talk about can fit in even one of the numerous forums on the site and most of what they posted was well worth reading.

I’ve never done the blogoshere thingy, it’s very odd at times and can seem very cliquey from the outside looking in, I have used live journal for a similar amount of time but that again was a different group a different community and most people in the Irish Gaming community. So I don’t write here to get notice or acclaim I write here mostly for me, things I want to say and things I want to remember and look back on.

Which I guess is why I clung on to the site for so long, there I have scrap booked so much of what was going on in my life and what I was thinking about certain things and I didn’t want to have the hassle of trying to put it up else were.

So what will be up here, as the title of the blog suggest what ever I get passionate about, things which interest me, irk me annoy me, and information on things which other people not knowing does my head in so that I can point them to them. I guess with the zip file on my desk top and being down and the gods only know when it’s coming back it is what has forced me not to think of here as a replace me for the other one but this is now my new scrapbook and rant space and after 5 years I wonder what the next will hold and what I will write about. hacked!

We are undergoing maintenance

Fellow Boards Members,

Today, Thursday 21 Jan 2009 at 11:20 GMT the database was attacked by a source external to Ireland. This triggered our security response policy and as a result we are sending you this warning email.

In this attack, part of the database which includes our members usernames, email addresses and obfuscated passwords was accessed. While our investigations indicate that individual user accounts are not in danger we have taken the step of changing all user passwords.

We also recommend that if you used the same username/email and password on other sites that you change your password there too as a precaution.

What happened:

* This morning our database server was accessed by an unauthorised source.
* We discovered this intrusion and took the site offline.
* As a precaution We contacted the Gardaí, the Data Protection Commissioner and an independent security consultancy.
* We have followed the advice we have received on how to proceed.
* Like all large sites we are regularly the target for disruption and take continual actions to proactively protect your data. This particular attack was completely unprecedented despite our rigorous security measures and while we have no idea if this data will be used for any malicious reasons, we felt it vital to tell you this immediately.

What you need to know and do:

* If you use the same password on Boards as you do on other services, you should change it on those other services to be safe. Boards passwords are NOT stored in plain text, they are obscured with the standard vBulletin “Hash”. While this provides strong protection, we have altered all passwords on Boards as a precaution and suggest you take this time to allter other similar passwords.
* If you are a subscriber, please be assured, we do NOT store credit card details or any payment details on our servers. Nothing of that nature is held on our site and as a result such data was not compromised.
* We apologise for this inconvenience. We do not want to over stress the problem, however we felt the situation requires full disclosure.

Tom Murphy.

I am so glad that the password that I use for my boards account is not used for anything else, I am a but concerned re the email address but time will tell.
All of the sites and domains which boards ltd own are down and may remain so while they figure out what happened.

The timing it seems was pretty awful with some of the threads which were on going and hot topics on the site in the helpdesk forum and feedback forums. While this enforced time out mean that people will have cooler heads going back or result in them feeling that well I managed with out the site for an extended amount of time and detach from it?

As ever we live in intresting times and it will be interesting to see what the impact down time and breach in security will lead to, and who will profit by it, if anyone.