I still can’t have a shower without my heart having episode. It was 122 beats per minute when I first but the oximeter on. Poxy covid, 4 Months on & I am still a wreck.

And this is with me being on medication to lower my blood pressure. But sure the MRI and contrast scan say there is nothing physically wrong with my heart and vessels. And my blood work comes back normal. So no one fecking knows.
I had what was considered a mild to moderate case of covid infection. Wasn’t hospitalised, didn’t need oxygen. But I still get sore lungs, am on steroid inhaler but again, x-ray and MRI say my lungs are normal. How out of breath I get says otherwise.
And recently I have added my fingers to the places I get painful joint ache. Yes I am having a whinge, it’s been 4 months of no real answers, treatments which only make things sort of bearable, and on going fatigue.
And no idea when things will get properly better, I keep hearing 3 months things might improve, then 9 months. It would be nice to have a poxy shower and not need to rest for an hour after. Yeah I’m angry, so please #wearamask#StayAtHome you do not want this.
I was a fairly fit and active 45 year old. Zero cardiac issues or episodes. Zero respiratory issues bar hay-fever. Zero issues with inflammation of tissues or joints. My life has ground to a stand still, with long covid, or post covid viral syndrome.
Please just hang in there and follow the guidelines, the vaccine roll out has started. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Please Keep yer distance. #wearamask#StayAtHome