All posts by jcjosAdmin

How to contact the Indian Embassy…

In light of the horror story about that young woman who as brutally raped and tortured, if you want to email or write to the Indian Embassy here in Ireland the link below is the email contact form.

The postal address is:

6 Leeson Park, Dublin 6, Ireland
Tel.: 01-4970843, 4966792
Fax: 353-1-4978074

The current Ambassador of India to Ireland is Mr. Debashish Chakravarti you can read more about him here.

Last Full Moon of the year.

This evening is not just the last Friday of 2012 but the last full moon of the year.


And what a year it has been; I have learned more about myself then what I expected and took on challenges that a few years previous I would have hidden from.

So as the Sun starts it’s journey back, bringing us out of the dark part of the year, it’s time to start dreaming of the year to come.
Of what we might learn, of what we may bring to it and how we will face the challenges to come.

Time to look back and take stock of lessons learned and plan to make ready for more wishes to come true. What dreams to you wish to come through for the next 6 months as the Sun reaches it’s high point? Will you be ready for them when they knock on your door?

There is still many days of winter left, time enough to clear away the old so that we may nurture our new shoots when spring comes.

Every cycle has it’s point of rest and reflection and I think we do ourselves a disservice by not making the best of them.
Time to dream in the dark for a while.

A Ticking Ticking Timebomb… the 8th amendment.

The wording of the 1983 “pro-life” amendment to the Constitution was hastily approved despite one attorney general labelling it a legal “time bomb” and another expressing doubts about its merits, newly released State papers show.

On November 2nd, 1982, two days before a vote of no confidence in the Dáil, which led to a general election the following month, the then Fianna Fáil government announced the wording of the anti-abortion amendment, which went on to be approved by the electorate.

This was despite the government being warned by attorney general Patrick Connolly SC that a “pro-life” amendment “might well have the effect of threatening the right of the mother” to have a life-saving operation.

Foreseeing some of the problems thrown up by the 1992 X case, Mr Connolly noted that, “whatever my personal views be”, a rape victim could not be exempted from any constitutional prohibition.

Nor, “in the current climate of what it is sought to achieve”, could the amendment exempt abortion where the mental health of a woman was at serious risk.

The Fianna Fáil government also had advice from the previous attorney general, Peter Sutherland, who argued that the amendment would create serious legal ambiguities.

So everywoman who may need an abortion is a ticking timebomb which may bring down the government.

Time to, Repeal the 8th.

We have had legal pagan weddings for the last two years…

We have had legal pagan weddings for the last two years but it seems that some of our TDs are unaware of this fact.

An article in the Limerick leader this morning quotes Willie O’Dea TD as being supportive of legislation to allow for Humanist soleminisers.

An amendment to the 2004 Civil Registration Act, the bill passed in the Dail last week, comes on foot of representations from the Humanist Association of Ireland.

Figures from last year’s census show that 5.3% of the population of Limerick city described themselves as having no religion.

Speaking on the bill, Deputy O’Dea commented: “I have never attended a humanist wedding but I recently attended a humanist funeral in Limerick. I was impressed by the dignity and solemnity of the occasion. People of the humanist persuasion espouse an ethical philosophy of life and are required to act with reason and compassion. I do not doubt that many of them live their lives far better than people who claim to be members of particular religious organisations.”

But it seems that there are some groups he think should not be able to apply to have soleminisers.

Mentioning scientologists, “pagan associations and the Universal Church of Satan”, Deputy O’Dea said “most people would find it undesirable that such organisations might be authorised to solemnise marriages … in this country simply because they happen to be part of a religious group as per the broad definition set out in the principal act”

Oh dear.

I’ve already emailed the Deputy to make him aware that we already have legal pagan marriage in this country for the last two years.

Legal Pagan Marriage

With effect from 15th December 2009,
the National Coordinator of Pagan Federation Ireland,
has been registered on the Register of Solemnisers,
under the terms of Section 53(3) of the Civil Registration Act 2004.

Consequently, it is now possible to be legally married
in a Pagan ceremony in Ireland

If you wish to be legally married in a Pagan ceremony,
please contact
to discuss the necessary requirements and availability.

In fact I know of a fair new which have even happened in his constituency,
I guess he wasn’t invited.

Waiting for the return of the Sun…

Every year I try and keep the same tradition, I light a large candle from the hart of the house and leaving burning during the longest nights.


These days modern pagans can check when exactly the Sun moves into Capricorn, but it wasn’t that long ago what it was a little harder to tell. Yes, yes there is Newgrange but even then there are 3 days that the sunlight will make it down the passageway, on the Solstice and the day before and the day after.

I have used the same small program for years, to help me keep track for you do need to, as you can’t rely on the calendar dates, it is called Lunabar

The Wheel of the year turns but we do not turn with it unless we put the time and effort in. This winter so far has been a good one, one of accomplishment and new challenges and for me discovering new skills and forging new relationships. I look forward to what they year to come will bring.

I love this time of year as we reach the tipping point, the point of change and transition and I am grateful for the time winter gives me to contemplate the past year, and the year to come and to spend time with friends and family.

I have friends the far side of the planet and am aware that for them it is the Summer Soltice, for them the Sun starts to wane and the harvests start to ripen. There is such wonderful balance in this.

So were ever you are, what ever your spirituality or if the Sun is returning or taking it’s leave, I hope the next 6 months are wonderful for you and in ways you don’t expect.